Sunday, November 27, 2016

Rejected-By-UrlScan 404 Errors || IIS and UrlScan – denying request

How Can I Disable URL Scan
  1. Go to the <Windows Folder>\system32\inetsrv\urlscan\
  2. Check the error first in the log folder
  3. Open UrlScan.ini file
  4. Set AllowDotInPath=1
  5. From Command Prompt (Start -> Run -> Cmd), type “iisreset”, to restart IIS

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Xamarin issue with designer in Visual Studio 2015

I have Visual Studio 2015 Update 3, Xamarin, Android 7.0 SDK Platform (API 24), Android SDK Tools 25.2.2, Android SDK Build-tools 24.0.3 .
To fix the issue you have to download Android 6.0 SDK Platform (API 23).

Coronavirus and Our Priorities – Amir Nasiruddin Sayani

First few cases of Coronavirus got reported in Wuhan, city of China in the month of December 2019. China started taking immediate actions ...